Russia 2 Roubles2000

2,75 €
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ru4046 Russia 2 Roubles 2000 - Truck-mounted rocket launchers in Smolensk
Numéro de catalogue Y# 665, CBR# 5010-0006, Schön# 635, N# 6691
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Valeur 2 Roubles
Année 2000
two artillerymen loading the "Katyusha" (multiple rocket projector), to the left - a "Katyusha" firing a volley, lower - the Gold Star Medal, in the background - outlines of the city of Smolensk, at the bottom - the inscription along the rim: "СМОЛЕНСК" (SMOLENSK). The highest distinction class "Hero City" accompanied by the awarding with the Lenin Order and the Gold Star Medal has been conferred on the city of Smolensk in 1985 for the mass heroism and courage of its defenders displayed in the struggle for freedom and independence of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War.